Body Cavitation & Radio Frequency Therapy
( Non-invasive Lipo & Skin Tightening and Cellulite Reduction)
Ultrasound cavitation and radio frequency ( Non-Invasive Lipo) ​ What is it? Ultrasound cavitation is the use of ultrasound technology to break down fat cells below the skin. It is a non surgical method of reducing cellulite and localized fat. Your fat cells will break down and liquidize at a rhythm of 40 k cycles per second. You will experience an inner ringing in the ear. A cavitation device uses ultrasonic and FR (radio frequency) technology to break down the fat cells in your body. Basically, heat and sound waves are used : they penetrate your skin and then break down the stubborn fat, covert it into small pieces, and then convert into a liquid substance that then leaves your body mainly through your lymphatic system or urinary tract. How does RF body contouring work? Radio frequency body contouring heats the skin to over 104 degrees which safely and comfortably minimizes the appearance of cellulite dimpling and fatty bulges, while tightening the skin and improving the contours of the target area. At the deepest level, the RF alters the network of the connective tissues that hold the fat cells into place, pulling them closer together so that the cellulite does not bulge out and create the well known rippling we associate with cellulite .RF also targets fat cells them selves, causing them to shrink in size, which has the effect of slimming down the targeted area. Where on the body can the treatment be done? the abdomen, waist, back, thighs, hips, and upper arms. This procedure CANNOT be performed on body parts like the head, neck, chest or any other bony areas of the body. When will I see results? The ultrasound cavitation treatment will often give immediate results which you can feel, touch and see and it can be long lasting. some clients can experience1 to 4 cm of circumference reduction after a single session with increasing results after more visits. multiple sessions are usually required, generally1 per week until you have had between 4-10 treatments or more in total, this will depend on the results you want. Contraindications (cannot perform treatment) pregnant, Breast feeding, transmissible disease, heart disease, cancer, under going chemo therapy or immune therapy, epilepsy, lupus, autoimmune disease and high blood pressure.
Body cavitation $120.00
RF therapy $100.00
Body Cavitation and RF Therapy $160.00